Monday, April 11, 2011

Where we end up..

This is a REALLY common question..
Where do we go once we die??
I wish I knew because I am not going to lie I am terrified of dying but mainly because there is so much I want to do in my life that I have yet to accomplish. I am pretty sure this is why about every ten years we think as a society that the world is going to end which if a 20 year old is telling you its not going to happen chances are people it wont. Remember Y2K yeah, I was ten.. that shit didn't happen :).

Anyways theres two answers to this question one I like to believe in and the other I catch the pessimistic me thinking.. 

We go in a box, get cremated or where ever our body ends up once this happens thats it.. theres nothing more.. (I know morbid sorry!!) This is the one pessimistic me thinks of occasionally, the only reason why is because I have taken WAY to many science classes so I know the decaying process of the body all to well. I haven't had the spiritual part of dying hammered into my head like I have the scientific one. 

The one I believe
We go some place else whether thats heaven or some other secular world that we are not aware of on Earth. We end up there, we watch over the loved ones we have left here on the planet and reunite with those that we have already lost.
 I was raised Lutheran so I do believe in God, I don't write my blog though to push ideas or beliefs onto those who choose to read. But I will say this, believing in something whether its God or something/one else. It gives you someone to lean on, someone to talk to when things are bad. You can pull strength from that source and power through whatever struggle you have encountered. 

So that is what I believe in.. 

Only one more day of my challenge :( I am really starting to try and brain storm what I'll be blogging about.. Hopefully I don't bore anyone to death!! :)

Day 1. What do you find most challenging in your life right now?
Day 2. What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3. 
A photo that makes you happy
Day 4. Style 31. Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5. Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 6. Your m
ost embarrassing moment
Day 7. Whats your most prized materialistic possession?
Day 8. Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)? Share, please!
Day 9. 
What virtues do you value in yourself? 
Day 10. 
What are some of your favorite make up products? 

Day 11. Post a recipe. Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12. Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13. 
A Good Self Tanner..

Day 14. What do you wish for?
Day 15. Write about your dogs :)

Day 16. 
If you could, what would you tell yourself before you graduated high school?
Day 17. Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18. Post and outfit pic..
Day 19. Write about your significant other
Day 20. Write about school and why you love it or hate it.
Day 21. Write about your most vivid childhood memory. Post a picture of you taken over ten years ago.
Day 22. 
What did you do today?
Day 23. 
Who's your celebrity look alike?

Day 24. What is God teaching you presently?
Day 25. Style 31. Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26. What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?

Day 27. Who are your favorite bloggers?
Day 28. Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29. Your day, in great detail
Day 30. 
What do you think is going to happen to you after you die?
Day 31. Your favorite quote

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