Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer has commenced!!

I took my last final today and it felt so good to be done with this semester!!
This semester has had its own unique challenges come with it.. Mainly with me thinking I found a major I wanted to stick with but yet changed because it wasn't exactly what I wanted. I wish I could say that I know for 110% without a doubt that Community Health Science is the degree for me but in reality its my last stop before I have to completely switch out of medical school which I seriously do not want to do. So unfortunately before I pay for fall semester I will be getting a taste of this new major this summer. I have only taken one summer off since I started school every summer after my senior year of high school and freshman year of college (I started college a year early during my senior year) has been filled with summer classes. One summer I took 21 credits, its was mental suicide and probably lessened my scholastic ability by a year because after that I was a crazy drained mush pile. 

I am really looking forward to this summer I already have some fun things planned out for myself and plan to take my camera along to update those of you who choose to follow me along my summer journey. The month of May holds some exciting adventures for me, last weekend on Mothers day Tony and I went and did a breast cancer walk with a friend who is a survivor and definitely a women I look up to. Then this weekend coming up we are headed to Boise so I can get out of Nevada and back to some normalcy.. Actually a better way of putting it would be getting back to some people I am used to being around and I honestly can say I have never been happier to go to Idaho in my life. Then Memorial Weekend we are going camping (I am not looking forward to this). People who have never lived or been to Nevada have this misconception that its warm and gets warm quick.. Thats a lie it snowed yesterday. Although we do have our nice days we are teased till after June with snow making an appearance. So I am thinking camping will equal me freezing my butt off. I start summer classes May 31st and go until July 8th, I turn 21 the 12th of July and then head home some where around August 1st. But go back to school on the 29th.. Typing all that out kind of depresses me cause I just realized I wont have much time off but if I give myself to much time off I tend to go a little crazy because I have nothing to do. 

So I have complied a book list.. A traveling list and I am going to take you all along with me.. As well as a personal goal of riding 20 miles on my bike I am half way there at 10 miles and climbing a mountain thats used for skiing here. Cant wait to tackle all of this with Tony :) 

My first book is Two kisses for Maddy by Matt Logelin 
I discovered this book through reading his blog and I highly recommend everyone check him out. 

Me, Tony and Mandy at the Breast Cancer walk May 8th..

If you're all for having awesome summer adventures go check out my previous blog
and find out how you can help my friend out!! Or add Layniebugdesigns Melissa Blair to your Facebook, purchase some awesome flower's 10% of each purchase will help my friend out!!
Everyone needs a good flower collection to spice up their summer hair style's ;)

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