Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lil Blue Boo Fundraiser!!

Cancer is a nasty thing it takes life as you know it and turns it up side down and keeps you on your toes. I have been affected by cancer in my life not personally but through friends and family. Many of us have seen someone close to us or an acquaintance battle it. It doesn't take very long before you figure out it isn't a friend (the cancer) you want around for very long.

If you follow my blog then you have seen my posts on Evy's Tree it is an awesome small internet business that makes handmade clothing for men, women and children. I also have her business on my Facebook so I have been slowly following the progress about Ashley from Little Blue Boo who has been diagnosed with Choriocarsinoma which a form of cancer that is a result from a molar pregnancy. What really got me to start following Ashley's progress through her fight with cancer was her video of her having her head shaved. One of my good friends was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago and has been cancer free for a year, she also made the decision to shave her head once she began to loose her hair due to intense chemo treatments. The difference between Ashley and my friend is that Ashley video'd her shaving her head and if you can watch this video without crying it'd be a miracle. Its a very moving and personal video, I'll provide you the link and you'll soon see that Ashley is tall, thin, a young mom and business owner. 

Evy's Tree as well as many other small internet business owners has started a fund for Ashley and her family to have resources to pay off the costly medical bills she will soon acquire and hopefully we can all donate enough money to give her a month or two off to focus on her healing and not have to worry so much about keeping her business running. The blog that Amy wrote over at Evy's tree is way better than what I have told you. I just wanted to get the word out about what all these wonderful lady's are doing for Ashley. They have rightly named themselves Team Ashely! So head on over to her blog and read it!! 

If you can participate in the auction go for it but if not there is a button on the right side of her page that you can donate to a paypal account that has been set up to go directly to Ashley. Any amount will help if 20 people donated $5.00 that'd be $100.00 that could cover their trash, water or a portion of their electric bill for a month. It may help to pay a portion of some of her medical bills. Literally any amount would help!!

And if you cannot participate spread my blog on, on your Facebook or email it to someone that you think might be willing to help. Simply getting the word out about this will help a lot!!

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