So when I started this blog I figured I'd have enough time to write all the time and boy was I wrong. Especially this semester and everything else going on in our little lives has not provided me with a bunch of free time to sit and write. If I have free time now I want to sit and do nothing, although when I do sit and do nothing I get bored.. Oh the irony..
So my life as of right now is consisting of going to class five days a week, volunteering at an elementary school strategies room and on the weekends looking at houses to buy. Oh and doing a butt load of homework..
I'll just get down to the nitty gritty of this post, I have five classes left till I graduate and that graduation day (December 8th, 2012 exactly 262 days away) can not come soon enough. It's stressful getting close to graduation, one of our good friends graduated last spring and she was always saying how stressful it was getting close to graduation. I kind of thought she was crazy but now I understand, you have the last four years or five years in my case coming down to one day. Its exciting but its way stressful, you start worrying about how you're going to get a job and support yourself because being a poor college student isn't going to cut it anymore.
Volunteering is actually a requirement for my disability class I am taking this term and it was fun and I enjoyed it until I got bit my a child, then it got annoying. This strategies room I am in has four autistic kids, a kid with huge behavioral issues that does not belong in there and one with a rare genetic disorder and one with fetal alcohol syndrome. I wont go into to much detail about any of the kids because there is confidentiality I have to worry about here. But it has taught me a lot already in the month I have been going, I really enjoy my thursdays/fridays being in the room but some days are harder than others.
Ahh a house :) Tony and I hate this apartment we are in, the longer we live here the more we hate it. The management here gets ruder with each year and I will seriously be writing a review when we get out on or something. We started the house buying process in January and started looking at houses in February, we put an offer on a house about a week and a half ago and now we are just waiting. Originally this house was one I would not have lived in at all due to a wonderful smell. It was built in 2006 and wasn't taken care of, originally Tony and I dubbed this house the rat house. Its super nice granite counter tops, tile floor and owners who didn't give two cents about it. It'll definitely be a project for Tony and I once we get ride of the nasty wall colors.
So that's what I have been up to.. Hope all of you are doing swell :-)